Saturday, November 20, 2004

We have Contact

We have Contact

So I signed up on a major Pagan community site and contacted 3 people to see about corresponding and possibly meeting. Mainly over a common path, I am looking for people to learn with and share ideas.

One contacted me back already and that excited me. To be able to share/discuss learning face to face, finally! Yay!

Thanks Samantha, your suggestion made me sign up.


I spoke to ex yesterday… I know, I know… but I felt the need to get a point across to him… we are never getting back together.

He wanted to speak to me to apologize for being hateful, déjà vu…
Seems he can’t help but read my blog and posts at TC. He doesn’t want me writing about him… and he doesn’t understand how I seem to be moving on. Blah blah.

So… thanks to that call, I had a dream about him. I was at his place and he had 3 different girl friends. They were kicking me, beating me with chains and hating me. Then, a while later- they finally started to get to know me. They started to like me and apologize for beating me up and couldn’t believe that ex didn’t want me in his life. Couldn’t believe what he did to me… all the while, ex was not home- not until the end. And when he came walking through the door, the girls started beating on him.

It was a strange dream… it turned into me driving a van (I have never in my life driven a van) down an alleyway in Dallas. There was a young Mexican boy in a little stand selling miscellaneous items. Books, jewelry and other junk. He was holding up a book titled ‘TAURUS’ and I stopped. I really wanted his book, but for some reason I didn’t buy it.

I started looking at his wares and really liked what he had to sell. We talked a bit, and I offered to help sell his stuff on my website.

Bookstore Bonanza!

Sister and I went to 2 different bookstores today… I purchase around $100 in books.
The books I’ve added to my library are:

Drawing down the Moon by Margot Adler
The Illustrated Guide to Divination by Judy Hall (I liked this book because it has a little info on many forms of divination)
To Light a Sacred Flame by RavenWolf
How Psychic Are You? By Julie Soskin (I got this book because it has exercises in it that appealed to me.)
The Crystal Handbook by Kevin Sullivan
365 Goddess byPatricia Telesco (About various goddesses around the world)
Mary Summer Rain’s Guide to Dream Symbols

I also got a 2005 Witches Datebook
And some assorted notecards themed Griffin&Sabine, a fiction book letter series by Nick Bantock.

Yes, I did spoil myself today.


I’ve been studying Mexican Deities and mythology. I find I don’t really care for it much. But, I will go into it more on tomorrows blog.