Saturday, November 13, 2004

Miserable Hangover

Sister and I went out last night to Rick’s pub. This man Rick at work is the owner, he just bought the pub a few months ago.

Party Time

Anyhoo… they had a live band and it was pretty dang good! The played only cover tunes but they were awesome. Not much to look at… but awesome nonetheless.

It’s a man’s pub… seemed like a bunch of young college boys there.

Seven rum & cokes later… I couldn’t see a damn thing! I think I was mostly amusing myself… laughing with sister. Though I’m not sure she was really hearing me cause the music was loud. Sister wanted to go to 8.0 to see if anything was going on… so we did.

Not a damn thing. But I enjoyed the walk around downtown. We went into this club called Vivid and immediately left. Sister said it was a gay club, but they played great music. That they did… it was very dark in there… but there were people dancing. I wanted to stay- but I guess sister got weirded out, so we left.

Walked some more… everything was blurry to me. Went into another club that had tons of people singing I love Rock-n-Roll… sounded fun. Until we saw these tall skinny blondes doing some kind of dance with each other…. Intimidated? Us… ? Hell yes.

We wandered in and around… it was very crowded… again with very young people. Again, we left. Finally, we made our way back to Rick’s pub and sat for a bit. The band was playing again, it had more people there, it was nice. The music was awesome.

Around 1:30am we left and went to IHOP to sober up. The food was yummy… or was I just drunk? The waitress seemed to be amused we were drunk. Anyway, this older cowboy sat at the table next to us… sister was all giddy. She wanted to give the cowboy her phone number, as he was all alone. But she didn’t. She chickened out.

She said I was giving her a look. I don’t know what I was doing… I was drunk.

I woke up still drunk this morning around 7am. Had to pee. Stumbled my way to potty and went back to bed. Then around 9am I had to get up and take my parents dog to the vet.

Bleh… I’m shocked I didn’t vomit.

Doggy Dilemma

Turns out my parents dog, Dodi, had a seizure last night. He’s had 4 in the past 3 months. The poor baby. Anyway… I don’t know what mom was doing, but Dodi ended up biting her mid-seize and she had to go to the ER. Nephew had to take her because she still can’t drive due to her eyeball.

Called to check on Dodi, Dad asked that I take him to the vet. So I did. The vet took blood for testing, checked his throat and his lungs.

Thinks Dodi may have a touch of bronchitis. Only the blood tests will let us know about the seizures. We won’t get those result until Monday. Anyway, Vet said for Dodi to take seizure meds twice a day and some antibiotics once a day.

My Dad needs to call Monday to get results and let the Vet know how Dodi has been doing.

While at the Vet, I was leaving the exam room with Dodi, and just outside were two HUGE dogs. I’ve never seen dogs this big. One looked like a lab type, but he weighed 115! Yikes! The other dog looked like Cujo and was way bigger. The ladies there asked Dodi and I to wait in the exam room until they figured out what they were going to do with these gigantic canines.

Gladly! Didn’t want Dodi to be some other dogs breakfast, as Dodi is a wee tiny poodle mix. Dodi was happy on the drive home.

Back to Drunkenness

Came back home, went back to bed around noon. Did not get up until just a bit ago… around 4pm. Feeling much better, and hungry.

It only takes 2 drinks to make me very buzzy. Just imagine what 7 will do to me… eh.

Dreaming was quite the experience… strange indeed. Yet another version of Texas Chainsaw type happenings.