Wednesday, November 17, 2004


Did you hear me? I said RAH!

What a day. Busy busy little bee stirring ‘round inside of me.

The mundane robot took over and I ended up getting quite a few things finished and started today at work. I left at 5pm.


I was stuck in traffic for an hour and a half! RAH!!! Did you hear me??? There was an over-turned 18-wheeler blocking West I-20 at 820. I did not leave Arlington until 6:30. Remember, I left work at 5… it usually takes me 45 minutes to get home.

To make things worse… I was stuck beside another 18-wheeler… the kind that carry livestock… and it was absolutely disgusting. The horrid stench! I was stuck by this stinky retched truck the whole entire time….


Played UNO with the nephews. I lost… I REALLY lost… but it was fun a couple of rounds. But sleepiness ended the game. I am so very sleepy…. but I figured I’d blog something…

My Goddess

I performed a simple devotion to the Goddess last night. I’ll not go into many details because young nephew likes to pull up my blog at school in his Cisco class… soOo… I’ll just say I dedicated my Creativity, Spirituality and Sexuality to the Goddess with added reference to the Craft. I feel pretty good about it. I will continue a more detailed devotional during a new moon.