Sunday, November 07, 2004

Ex is still EX

I dreamt of ex yet again. This time he had a newly found girlfriend. A tall slinky blonde, who didn’t seem to have very many noodles in her noggin.

The girl and I were in class together and talking. She was upset that ex and I still contacted each other once in a while. I explained to her that after being with him for 3.5 years, he was my best friend and that was the hardest to let go.

She said she didn’t care… she didn’t want us to talk anymore. So, I wrote ex a letter explaining how in respect to his new love, we should not talk anymore. I wrote that I would miss him and that I hope the best for his life.

I left the classroom for a bit, and came back. She just stared at me. I went home, and found a message on my voicemail, from her. She said she went through my stuff and tore part of the letter out.

Later, I went to a party and ex was there- she was not. I tried to explain to him that his new gf didn’t want us to talk, he seemed like he didn’t care much and had an ugly look on his face, seemingly appalled that I was even talking to him. I left the room and went in the backyard of the house we were at… there was a lovely swimming pool.

Poof- ex and some hot guy were sitting at the far end of the pool, where the diving board was. I had to walk over there to use the diving board. I had a towel wrapped around me and I was in a bathing suit. They were watching me. As I stood up on the diving board, I took off the towel and realized I hadn’t shaved my Bikini line and it was quite hairy! Sticking out of the bathing suit… so I wrapped the towel back around me and went inside, feeling quite embarrassed.

The dream turned kinda funky from there and is really fragmented.

Sick Chick still sick

I still feel like crap today, but I’m going to try not to stay in bed all day… though my body aches for the warm comfy lure of rest. I need to finish up some articles for TC to help keep the candle going.

Anyhoo… should anything spectacular happen, I’ll pop back on and log it… har har.