Tuesday, November 09, 2004

What a Crazy Day!

Today has just been very strange. I had to get up really early to take my mother to the hospital for eye surgery… I was suppose to get up at 5am… my alarm did not go off… in fact it was blinking like the power went out. My dvd player was on, my cable box was on… it was very strange. Then my hair dryer’s plug had to be reset like it had a serge or something.

Anyhoo… got to work REALLY early… I didn’t have time to put on my face at home, so I did it at work.

Work Work
Work was going along as usual- preparing for a meeting, getting rush jobs sent to the printer… I get a call.

It’s Dad, saying my other sister did not pick up my mom at the hospital yet… they’d been waiting for an hour for someone to pick her up…

I had to drop everything to go pick her up, and when I got to the hospital… other sister had just lefts 10 minutes before I got there! ARGH!

So, I go ahead and book it home- work left scattered and unfinished…

Mom’s good- she looks like a sci-fi creature with this funky eye thing on. They drained the fluid from her eyeball and replaced it with some other solution. Yeah… what I said… Yuck!

Personal Matters

I made use of my time at home by doing a bit of quick work on the net and took George to the vet. He’d been limping pretty badly on his right forearm.

Turns out, my baby has arthritis. My poor baby is getting so old, it just breaks my heart. What will I do????

The vet gave me some sample arthritis meds to try out on him and I take him back Friday to get his Yuck-a-muck teeth cleaned. I didn’t realize they were so bad! Bleh! Poo Poo Breath.

I love my George so much… I love my dog more than I have loved any other creature.