Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Belly Aching

I am very sick today… bleh! After lunch yesterday I just started feeling really sick to my stomach… today… I ache all over and am still sick to my stomach.

I came into work though… but I’m not sure I’ll make it through the whole day.Vomit 2


Everyone is going on about the election and the results so far… it does appear that Bush has it… *sigh* Would my vote have made a difference? I don’t think so…

Family Matters

My nephew upset my sister yesterday something fierce. He wrote a note saying he was running away, he’s 12, and that she’d never see him again. His bother found the note on his bunk bed. Sister started frantically yelling out Tyler’s name. Fortunately, his was hiding under the bunk bed… they have a lot of stuff under the bed and he was hiding behind it all.

My sister was in tears. I guess nephew is just a wee lonely… he doesn’t understand that when we come home from work, especially after a 45 minute drive… we need to chill a little bit. Plus, he gets really upset because no one wants to play the games he wants to play. We’ll play games with him… Scrabble, Uno, etc… but the games he wants us to play are like Pokemon type card games… it’s not so easy for us to pick them up quickly… we don’t understand. But, of course he’s young… so compromise doesn’t always play a part in his thinking.

We love him dearly. He is bright, funny and very very smart. Sister would be completely broken if anything happened to him… I doubt she’d ever recover.

We decided on family game night… but we all have to agree on the game. I’ll probably see if he wants to draw with me more often, and let him use my special art supplies. Maybe we can draw some comic book characters… he does make his own comics.