Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Insatiable Appetite…

My sexual appetite has me going stir crazy… I’m restless and ravenous. I really don’t know why I’m so damn lustful lately…

Usually when I suffer Mother Nature’s Curse… I’m not interested. But, my hunger seems to be intensified by it… even through yesterday’s pity tantrum… I went to bed thinking about sex.

I’ve been looking at porn, fantasizing and even pleasuring myself at least twice a day. (With the exception of the past two days into the curse.) And it’s not like I’m not satisfied when I have sex or even take care of myself… I have multiple orgasms each time… I just want more. Addicted to sex??? I don’t think it’s that extreme, but teetering on the edge…

I’ll be driving to or from work… and just get this intense sensation- almost like chills- across my body… a sexual rush.

Has anyone else gone through that? I really don’t understand this… I have mixed emotions about it. Sometimes I even think “Damn it! Again?! RAH!” Am I reaching my sexual prime? Is it because I’ve experienced the highest pleasure I’ve ever had recently? Nah… I was still this way before I met Mr. Ecstasy Man.

Do I just enjoy it? Do I seek medical advise? And where the hell are my damn toys?!?!?!

(I know you guys have been waiting for a toy update… but I’ll have to post that tomorrow.)