Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Late Night Blogitory

Well last night I posted a NyQuil high scribble at TC under the muses thread in the message forum... I posted this one there too, but though I'd post it here.

Thanks to NyQuil... the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, sore throat, couching, aching, stuffy head, fever, sleep better to feel better medicine. (Yes, that's what it says on the label folks.)

How fair thee ol’ devious gent,
whose sweet nothings have hours spent
wooing that of a clever young maid
who in turn has a garter marked with players played.

Say you be that of valor and truth
with sly wit and uncanny couth?
All whilst she flutters her eyelashes to beguile
and lures you hither with a half-cocked, innocent smile…

How well these two shall get along-
singing lyrics to an adulterous song,
and scorning not only each other’s heart-
but successfully tearing their own apart.

What is here today will be lost tomorrow
and you’ll be left with none but sorrow
so heed these generous words and heed them well
flesh is but a gilded cage, merely for the soul to dwell.

If abused; toyed with in a deceitful fashion…
will burn and wither of all love and passion.
Thus the two shall ponder how their youth was so fleetingly spent
as hours of nothing swept by, and many sweet years so wastefully went.