Wednesday, March 23, 2005

System Overload...

I am not wonder woman, though trust me… I would LOVE to be.

Sometimes my wee brain gets extremely overloaded and my thought process is clouded. I have soOo many things going on at once, I seriously push my limits. There’s multi-tasking and then there’s Multi-malwhatthefuckamIdoing.

Things at work can build up super freaky fast… especially if I take a day off. Which I did Tuesday. I come in to work today and there’s 50 million emails waiting for me. It’s very tough to prioritize when you have several extremely important people who call you randomly, suddenly needing a job RIGHTTHISMINUTE.

Hmm… is the FW Division President a higher priority than the Dallas Division? Is the Dallas Marketing Director a higher priority than the FW Marketing Director? Then you have to prioritize the ‘favors.’ My name is spreading throughout the company across several states… which I suppose is a good thing… but geez these people need to realize favors are favors, and though they are on a dead-line, I have my own dead-lines to meet!

And then I begin to lose childhood memories to store all this crap… from magazine ads to computer support… and I forget how to spell simple words. I forget who I am calling while I’m on the phone. I just completely blank out.

Person I dialed: “Thank you for calling bleh, how can I help you?”
Me: “Uh… oh uh… um… duh… did I happen to leave my brain at your office?”

What’s really sad is that has happened to me at the drive-through window of a fast food place… I asked if they had a new brain to sell me that has a good memory... the girl said they just ran out.

Keeping a to-do list isn’t working either… it started turning into a multi-colored scribble with everyone bumping my priorities.

I soOo can’t wait until my vacation in May. I’m going to curl up in Samantha’s pocket and hide away from the rest of the world for a while. No phone calls from work… no emails… no rush jobs. Just beautiful scenery, beautiful friends and fun. Yay!