Tuesday, March 15, 2005

So it begins...

In the silence of our minds lurks a darkness so profound we dare not acknowledge that it exists at all.

There is always one hopeless moment when we think all is lost… especially during the brooding storm of heartache.

I have been so heartbroken once… I literally stayed depressed for a solid year. I had no interest in meeting someone new, working or getting out of bed… I had no interest even in breathing. The ironic thing was I ended the relationship. I knew it was a bad relationship, but he was the first true love I ever had. He had opened my eyes to the world of adulthood… to the fact that I was a woman… and no longer a little girl.

The first love is always the most difficult to overcome. It’s almost like a death… not only for the loss of the person you loved, but for the death of an innocence… the belief that love lasts forever and conquers all.

And little did we know that the realization of this fact only paves the path for more innocence to be lost… we learn of betrayal, scorn and deceit. We learn that darkness does dwell in our heart… and we can hate.

A Personal Note…

You should know that even though my posts may be a bit on the darker side, this is all past reflection. No need for concern… I’m just exploring every aspect of my emotions.