Wednesday, January 26, 2005


IRS, Please Don't Take My Money!

Ok everyone, please send positive thoughts, prayers, chants, charms and spells safeguarding my income tax from being taken by the IRS.

I’ll be filing my taxes tomorrow… and I hope I hope I hope I don’t have to pay taxes. I entered a higher tax bracket last year… not to mention this year I’ve gotten a dollar raise and will expect another in April (next year will be soOo scary).

Robin wants to go to the Grand Canyon in March, not to mention pay a few months ahead on my student loans… and California in May to see my Samantha! Mmmm… Samantha.

Where was I… oh yeah… please chant:

Robin will get a nice juicy tax return this year, and NOT have to pay the IRS.

Do that three times then blow me a kiss for luck! Paaaaaaalease!