Sunday, January 23, 2005

Beyond Flesh...

10 Reasons I Model Myself

Just incase you are wondering if I’m just narcissistic due to all the pictures of myself on blog… here is a list of 10 reasons why I use my own self in most of my art.

10. I’m free. I don’t charge an arm and a leg to model for myself.
9. I’m convenient. I can take the pictures I need/want when ever I want/need to.
8. I can pose exactly how I want… with the exception of full body shots.
7. I can use my web cam. Why yes, the pictures are from my web cam- amazing eh? So no film to develop, no up linking or extra memory chips required… it’s already on my computer!
6. I have 100% complete rights to all my work.
5. I don’t require alcohol to get naked for the pictures.
4. I don’t have to drag special lighting around.
3. It’s a means to entertain myself when I am bored.
2. It constantly reminds me that I would not make a very good porn star. I’m way too fat.
1. And the main reason I do so many self-portraits: I won’t freak out if I create some totally funky, freaky, ugly piece of art. I tend to not offend myself… unless I fart… but that’s an entirely different story involving black beans.

Though, occasionally you will see different people- it’s usually only the people I care about in some way and people who don’t freak out… about pictures anyway.

There you have it… though I would still love to get some pictures from you lurkers… I’ll probably stick to self degradation… er- I mean self-portraits.