Friday, January 21, 2005

All is Full of Love

I apologize if I worried some of you with my depressing posts/images. I do appreciate the kind comments, caring emails and phone calls of cheer. I had to get a sudden shock of disappointment off my chest… I gave one day and a couple of dreams to mourning to the loss of a friend.

Today, though still a wee perplexed and bemused at the reasoning behind this loss- I am much better after giving the situation some thought.

Some spirits are just meant to be free… to change directions as the wind blows. Sometimes, if a free spirit is weighed down by stress- they can be a bit insensitive and lash out- unjustly at times.

I lash out occasionally, I have and I probably will again… it’s just human nature to experience high’s and low’s, sometimes unfairly punishing the people in your life.

I figure if the friendship was true and honest- if it had any meaning at all, then it will not be completely banished. All will be forgiven and the page turned.

If it was not… I will take what inspiration/knowledge/experience I gained and store it in my heart to remember when I get old. And- I am thankful for what was given to me, even if it was just a slip of breath that stopped to whisper in my ear for a second, then drift on to another destination.

Either way, I am content knowing I experienced that person. I will not wish, I will not hope, I will not regret… I will accept it for what it is and/or what it was.

Being human means multifarious emotions that sometimes require a multifaceted understanding and regard. Finding two humans who can honestly and openly accept each others flaws- yet still preserve the value of their friendship- is a truly exceptional oddity.