Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Voodoo You Do

Definitions of iniquitous:
adjective: characterized by iniquity; wicked because it is believed to be a sin

Definitions of iniquity:
noun: absence of moral or spiritual values
noun: an unjust act
noun: morally objectionable behavior

Love is supposed to reach out to all… without judgment or discrimination. That is true of love… however, the mind is manipulated, or molded- take your pick, from childhood… to try and recognize what is right or wrong. Ideas and beliefs are implanted that cause us to battle it out with our hearts and our minds.

But what is right or wrong? What is acceptable- the standards that we are raised by, societal standards or the qualities that make our lives richer by experience and learning?

The guy I’m dating has a past… some of which is fairly shocking to me… and some of it is still relevant today… I argue with myself almost daily about what I’m doing with this guy… he has children, he has a nasty past with drugs and the law… but my heart loves him. He is sweet, funny, sexy and completely open & honest with me. When I see the smile on his face I melt… I swoon. It’s my mind that argues his ‘baggage.’ I've been told what's acceptable and unacceptable.

So what do you do? Go with your heart, knowing there might be some trials and turbulence involved with the relationship because of the past… or do you focus on the here and now… the future, and accept the past with a forgiving frame of mind? And what of those people close to you, who cast judgment because they believe you can get better or don’t need to be involved with someone that has so much ‘baggage?”

Who has the right to judge? Who has the right to tell you what’s right and wrong for your life? I have people shaking the finger at me… I’m 31- though I may not have made the best decisions in my life so far, but I would not change a single one of them. I believe I’m old enough and experienced enough to know that what I feel for this guy is truly unique compared to my other long-term serious relationships.

The fact of the matter is… nobody can tell you what’s right/wrong for you… your life. They can only make the judgments on their own lives… and just because we may not agree with some decisions people make… we should not think that it’s iniquitous to love someone unconditionally, point fingers or even say ‘I told you so’ should the worst happen.