Once Upon A Time...
Never giving a second thought to the consequences it might have brought.
But... with age and experienced woe, my lips do hesitate- my fear does show…
And though I try to see a prince… my dread of bitterness is greatly intense.
Well… I finally blew. I told him everything that was on my mind… well for the most part anyway. What I seem to be having the most issues with finally got to me and I let him have it… my emotion that is.
I cried… he cried… we cried together. He asked me to have patience and to stay with him… again that he cares for me beyond definition. He wants to see what kind of life we can have together… how happy we can be… after his ex has the baby. I told him I don’t know that I can do that… I don’t know how much I’ll be able to control my emotions… my contempt and jealousy over his situation. He asked me to please try… that he can’t just turn his back on his feelings for me.
I tried to convince him to work it out with his ex… that since they had children together- they would always be a part of each other’s lives. I explained that no relationship is perfect… and it takes hard work- devotion- dedication and compromise to make it work. He just looked at me and said he can’t love her anymore… the damage was done. And I have his heart.
Was anything resolved? No… not for me… I’m still going nuts… I didn’t end it, I didn’t promise I’d stay around… I said I’d try- but I don’t know how long that would last.
I cried and cried… but my damn Fairy Godmother didn’t come! I think I might have pissed her off a bit last time I saw her… I mentioned she looked like she gained a couple of extra pounds… but she’s a Fairy for goodness sake!
To Be Continued...
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