Friday, May 13, 2005

Sad Picture, Happy Post

Ok I finished this picture yesterday… my feelings were terribly hurt at the time, still are a wee bit… but I’m too preoccupied with my trip and packing and nervousness to write what happen… but I’m sure you guys didn’t want to hear me bellyache anyway… just know that the hair in this image is the tail of a horse and the mane of a horse... I finished this at work and do not have the same goodies installed as I do at home... so I had to improvise.

Off With The Training Wheels!

Wow! Tomorrow I fly to California to visit my lovely witchy friend, Samantha. I can’t freakin’ believe it! This is such a big deal for me… I believe I told you all that I’ve never done anything, gone anywhere… this is a big ‘Yes I’m an adult and can go wherever I please, by myself and make my own decisions’ event for me!

I’m soOo excited and soOo scared at the same time hehe! Like when you’re a kid learning how to ride a bike without the training wheels. You are excited and terrified at the same time. It’s awesome. I haven’t had this much excitement over anything in years… I can’t stop yakking & chit chatting… my leg is bouncing 90 miles an hour and tonight I doubt I will be able to sleep.

I probably will not be updating my blog but once or twice, if at all this next week. No graphics at all… hopefully Sam and I will be posting pictures though! I’m bringing my digitals so we can… tehe! The first thing I’d like us to post is a picture of us together! But we’ll see… we might be too busy cackling like chickens to think about photos!

I want to see if I can get a picture looking out the window of the plane while it’s descending… but that depends on if I get air sick or not heh. When I was 12, the only time I ever got on a plane, I was soOo incredibly air sick. It was awful!

Anyway! You all send positive thoughts and wishes for a safe trip, an awesome experience and for a virtual friendship becoming ‘Real,’ so to speak. Hehe!

I’m so nervous and excited about meeting Sam, and worried about whether she’ll really like me or if I’ll get on her nerves hehe… I meet new people all the time, but for some reason this is major hehe… maybe cause I’m flying across half the country to meet her for the first time- I donno but this whole thing is just awesome!

Sam!!!!! I’m coming! I’ll see you tomorrow!