Monday, January 03, 2005

Burning Desire

Late to Football Practice

Last night I had a dream I was a football player. I was still me, being a female, and was on the bus with several other teammates of various sexes. Our Jersey colors were blue & white.

Anyway… we were traveling on a bus to our next location. We had stopped at a dollar store to purchase junk like toothpaste, etc. Everyone unloaded off the bus, but me. I couldn’t find my shoes! I looked everywhere on the bus, including the wall lined with drawers full of miscellaneous beading supplies. No luck.

So, I went into the dollar store without shoes. I was walking down an isle and noticed a shoelace sticking out from under the bottom shelf. I got down on my hands and knees, dressed in full football gear, minus the shoes… When I looked under the shelf, I saw feet.
It was a man and a woman, a very large couple, going at it (having sex), standing up in the next isle. I continued to watch, and when they were finished the guy walked away wearing full drag and the robust girl was standing there waving, with a huge smile on her face.

I got up and left the store… only to notice the team’s bus had left without me, and I was standing in the middle of the dollar store parking lot, with no shoes- dressed in full football gear- screaming Damn it! Now I’m going to be late for football practice!

I think I will not analyze this dream…

Samantha Sistah

How’s about mid May for a visit from your southern sistah? That is my month ya know… and only the greatest things are suppose to happen for me this year… so says the Chinese Astrology guide… lol.

Anyway… let me know if that sounds good to you and I will plan! Love ya, hope your New Year celebration was fab.