Sunday, December 05, 2004

Oui oui mes amis

Les gens sont étranges.

No I do not speak French, but if you want to know what this says go to an on-line translator. *snort*

Oh mon amour, quand je vous trouverai ? Quand serez-vous une partie de ma vie ?

Comment je souhaite être si aimé profondément que vous ne puissiez pas vous découvrir pour être loin de mon côté ? Comment je souhaite tenir vous fermez à mon sein et embrasse vos lèvres- caresse vos cheveux !

Quand je vous trouverai, mon amour ? Quand vous me viendrez ?


You know jealousy is quite a magnificent emotion. It is very very powerful. Even amongst people who do not know each other very well.

So, I don’t know if I told you guys that I joined an on-line dating service. It has been quite the experience. I find that older men, over the age of 60 are interested in me, along with men of color.

What’s amusing is that the fellows I do chat with suddenly think I belong to them… though we have never met face to face. Some have seen my web cam, as I have seen theirs… but most of the guys I chat with are nowhere near my state.

How do you get attached to someone you have a virtual friendship with? I can understand if you’ve gone out a couple of times, but if you’ve never met the person and have only seen each other through pictures… how in the world do you manage to get jealous?

This display of virtual jealousy and possessiveness has me really concerned.


What is trust? Believing in someone’s actions and what they say? Can I trust you? Hell I don’t know… I will give you the benefit of the doubt because I don’t personally know you, but that doesn’t mean I’ll trust you completely.

There are so many fucked up people out there, you just can never know. You can be with a person, live with that person- even be married to that person and still not know the dark little secrets they hold inside.

Me… I’m an open book. I express my feelings and thoughts… no matter the situation. Even if they aren’t nice… I have no secrets I wouldn’t share if you asked me. I feel no need to lie… no need to exaggerate.